Phase 1 Site Assessments for Environmental Professionals
Supercharge your services and Optimize your Efficiency with Bridgeway Environmental's Phase 1 Site Assessments for Environmental Professionals. We do all of the leg work for you by gathering all relevant data on a property that will be necessary for your clients Environmental Risk Assessment; this includes Freedom of Information Act Request to Phone interviews with previous owners, tenants and neighbors. The only thing you'll have to do is the onsite inspection (We can conduct these as well).
All reports will adhere to the ASTM standards

What We Do
Regulatory Records Reviews
These reports will include: Environmental Lien information if any, Fire Insurance, Title information. We also conduct FOIA request from local municipalities and other governmental agencies to find if any legal actions was taken against the property as well as to obtain any building permits.
Historical Aerial Photography, Historical Topo
Historical topographic maps can go as far back as the 1800s and make it easy to view changes in terrain, mining, agriculture, wetlands, and land uses over extended time periods.
Interview Owners/Tenants Knowledgeable About Site
We conduct phone interviews with previous owners and tenants, neighboring business and residential properties, as well as governmental bodies to gather as much historical information on the property as possible.
Phase 1 Environmental Report Information.
Turn around time for data collection is typically two to three weeks, this time includes: FOIA Request and Interviews. All fees are flat rate, which means you won't get hit with any additional charges.